Knighted Reverend and Licensed Humanitarian Aid Leader

Training high-level medical and mental health professional teams to remove burn-out and become healed, healers and healthy team leaders.

You will never again say to yourself


Heal me or help others?

High-level Medical/Mental Health Professionals use my “Healed Healers and  Healthy Team Leaders System” to clear the clutter that causes overwhelm and disconnect that makes you feel like caring for yourself or others is hard. The strategic and scientifically proven “Instant Results Tool” gets results, and is studied to be 98% effective, for permanent results to clear out the mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter. My clients travel lighter in life, have better quality relationships, trust their own intuition, say yes more, and overthink less. They have better experiences, relationships and are healthier, and fun to be around. Most do it in less time than it takes to learn a new language. You will have a system to take care of you in all situations that is as easy as breathing. My unique approach to healing was formed by experience and training with the love and compassion of being a Reverend, the wisdom of being a Knight, and the experience as licensed and seasoned Humanitarian Crisis Worker. I have seen it all, heard it all, and lived through some of what is holding you back from saying yes to taking care of you. Healing you does not need to be a lifetime sentence. Where will you be this  time next year, if you don’t step out and say yes to a life that allows you to be yourself and still be successful as a high-level healer?

You will never again say to yourself


Heal me or help others?

High-level Medical/Mental Health Professionals use my “Healed Healers and  Healthy Team Leaders System” to clear the clutter that causes overwhelm and disconnect that makes you feel like caring for yourself or others is hard. The strategic and scientifically proven “Instant Results Tool” gets results, and is studied to be 98% effective, for permanent results to clear out the mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter.

My clients travel lighter in life, have better quality relationships, trust their own intuition, say yes more, and overthink less. They have better experiences, relationships and are healthier, and fun to be around. Most do it in less time than it takes to learn a new language. You will have a system to take care of you in all situations that is as easy as breathing.

My unique approach to healing was formed by experience and training with the love and compassion of being a Reverend, the wisdom of being a Knight, and the experience as licensed and seasoned Humanitarian Crisis Worker. I have seen it all, heard it all, and lived through some of what is holding you back from saying yes to taking care of you.

Healing you does not need to be a lifetime sentence. Where will you be this  time next year, if you don’t step out and say yes to a life that allows you to be yourself and still be successful as a high-level healer?


When you know something needs to change and it needs to be fast and efficient

Frame Work

Instant results tool
to remove overload
mentally and emotionally.


Many tools to
drastically restore you
beyond your wildest dreams.


High-level small group
who are pampered
in beautiful location
with daily compassionate guidance
individually in person with Merit.


4 day long. Merit travels to you
in person, all she offers, customized just
for you in complete privacy

Programs, Courses, and One To One Training Options

Remove Burnout Training for High-Level Medical & Mental Health Professionals & Their Team Leaders

Framework For Instant Mental and Emotional Relief

The Instant Results Tool 3-day Course


Remove Burnout Mentally & Emotionally in the first hour with scientific 98% results

That moment when you realize that something needs to change emotionally and mentally and it needs to be fast, efficient, and not require a lifetime sentence to healing. When you need that mental, emotional relief from the trauma in your job, & your personal life. Something you can continue to use in the moment that gives you that instant results to remove mental and emotional clutter from life or work at the end of the day. A mental and emotional transformation and relief beyond what you thought possible. The framework for all the other training. Merit uses her detective style intuition to help you find what you may be missing with the love of a reverend, the wisdom of a knight and the empathy of a seasoned, well respected frontline humanitarian leader and trainer.

Larger Wider Transformation in All Areas of Your Life

The Training

Healed Healer Training

Many Tools To Drastically Restore You Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

This is the only group training that Merit offers ALL she knows and ALL the tools she personally uses to take people from Burn-out to Healed Healers and Healthy Team Leaders with it reaching through ALL areas of your life. It is a no stone unturned, every area of your life restored, with the gentle guidance from Merit. Laugh your way through part of it, and finally walk into a room full of your colleges knowing. Learn 6 methods to Intuition that most don’t teach, so you can make split decisions with no second guessing. She expands this into who you are without the clutter and connects you with the beautiful, successful, carefree version of you, and helps you create a blueprint to daily maintaining that new version of yourself that is as easy as breathing. Without feeling like healing is a lifetime commitment.

In Person Business and Health Transformation Retreat

The Oasis


We Spoil you while walking you through a health & business transformation

Imagine getting completely spoiled in a private not open to the public retreat while Merit walks you through the largest transformation of your business you thought possible, and teaches you how she gets booked, stays booked and respectfully charges what she is worth, business side of being a Healed Healers and Healthy team Leader. You will receive a perfect health blueprint that she starts to implement while you are still at the retreat including all the initial supplements, healthy snacks, food by her personal on-site chief, in a regal elite location, not open to the public. Daily in person one hour business breakthrough sessions with Merit. This small group of 8 handpicked high-level medical, mental health and front-line leaders who get it. This was specifically created just for those professionals and their specific needs. When was the last time you relaxed while growing your business from one to many? The only group training where Merit trains you to use a bio machine and you receive one to take with you. It is also the only group setting Merit teaches these health methods and professionals she uses for her VIP clients.

Completely Private, In Person, Customized

The All Private

Custom Elite VIP

Fast Track, Customized, Completely Private ALL One to One
Merit Travels to You

This is the only private, fast, and complete with everything Merit offers in ALL programs, all customized transformation in every area of your life with no distractions and in person just for you over 4 days. This is a fast, complete, HUGE in the moment transformation in ALL areas of your life. If a group setting is not for you. Merit gets it and you are why she added this Elite Private VIP option. She works with many people that for one reason or another, need full privacy, or just feels it is the best, fastest, most comfortable and complete system for their healing journey. This will kickstart your health transformation as well and she will order a bio machine to leave with you after your VIP time together


Need more information, or help deciding where to start? I love helping people find the perfect healing process for them.